Health and Safety Audit

We provide Health and Safety Audit services exclusively for Smartlog® clients and their employees.

Our auditors are IOSH, NEBOSH, BAFE, GIFireE qualified and members of the IIRSM & IFSM.

Health and Safety Audit Services

What is a Health and Safety Audit?

A Health and Safety Compliance Audit is a systematic examination of an organisation’s policies, procedures, and practices to assess their compliance with established health and safety standards and regulations.

This comprehensive evaluation aims to identify potential hazards, assess the effectiveness of existing safety measures, and ensure that the workplace aligns with legal requirements. Health and Safety Audits are crucial for promoting a safe working environment, preventing accidents, and mitigating risks.

Why Is a Health and Safety Audit Required?

According to Article 3 of The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, employers have responsibility over fire safety for their employees and business premises; and failure to comply with fire safety legislation is a criminal offence. The law also mandates that businesses with more than 5 employees must have a written health and safety policy that is readily accessible to all employees.

The purpose of conducting a Health and Safety Audit (or a General Risk Assessment) of your premises is, at a minimum, the following:

  • Identify hazards — What could cause injury or illness in your organisation.
  • Assess the risk — Decide the likelihood of someone being harmed and the seriousness of the risk.
  • Action — Measures or actions to eliminate the hazards, or if this is not possible, control the risk.

What Happens During Your Health and Safety Audit?

As a health and safety audit company, we provide services to help with all aspects of your organisation’s fire and health & safety compliance. In order for your organisation to fully comply with health & safety and fire safety legislation, appropriate documentation, up-to-date policies and effective procedures should be in place.

The following services are provided as part of your Health and Safety Audit/General Risk Assessment:

(Please note: for most organisations, not all of the below services will be applicable)

  • Health and Safety Policy
  • Employers Liability Insurance Certificate
  • Asbestos Risk Assessment
  • COSHH Risk Assessment & Material safety data sheet
  • DSEAR Risk Assessments
  • Display Screen Equipment Risk Assessment / Policy
  • Drugs and Alcohol Policy
  • Drowning Risk Assessment
  • PAT testing certification (or equivalent)
  • Electrical Installation Condition Certificate
  • Manual Handling Policy / Risk Assessment
  • Fire Risk Assessment
  • First Aid Policy
  • Food Hygiene Records
  • Lead Risk Assessment
  • Legionella Policy / Risk assessment
  • LOLER Certificate
  • Lone Working Policy
  • Noise Risk Assessment
  • Permit to Work records
  • PUWER records
  • RADON Risk Assessment
  • RIDDOR Policy/ procedure
  • Stress Policy
  • Traffic / Pedestrian Risk Assessment
  • Vibration at work Risk Assessment
  • Risk Assessment for vulnerable workers, pregnant or new mothers and migrant workers
  • Working at Height Risk Assessment / Policy

Throughout the visit, the assessor will require unrestricted access to all areas of the property, including any basements, lofts and boiler/plant rooms. Additionally, they will need to look at the COSHH, Asbestos Register and CLEAPS records.

Conducting a comprehensive health and safety audit.

Providing recommendations and timelines for action

Conducting a fire risk assessment of your business premises.

Preparing fire safety policies and evacuation planning for your company.

Providing an employee induction program that covers a company’s fire safety issues.

Guidance and training within crucial areas regarding compliance.

Regular follow up Health & Safety Audits to ensure continued compliance.

Specialist assistance with more complex health and safety issues or risk assessments.

Consultancy Services

Our health and safety consultancy services are provided by IOSH and NEBOSH qualified assessors. Safesmart’s fire safety and health & safety consultants are available to provide audits, risk assessments, policy advice and legislative guidance regarding premises, employer and employee safety.

Is Outside Help Really Needed?

Most health and safety solutions exist in a generic form. For instance, within certain industries policies are pretty much transferable — the HSE website provides a lot of useful material.

However for many organisations, some legal and practical conundrums still remain. This is especially prevalent concerning industry-specific safety procedures and the additional (and sometimes completely niche) policies that tend to be involved in such cases.

In such cases, external health and safety consultancy is often needed in order to know which steps must be taken in order to ensure that both employees and employers are fully prepared for any health and safety scenarios that may come up in the present or the future.

Safesmart provides (alongside the aforementioned services) an open door consultancy for our customers; assisting in any health and safety issues that they might require specialist advice or help with.

To book this Professional Service or for further information,
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