Healthcare Safety Software

In human health and social work activities, there were 10,834 employee injuries reported to the HSE last year – almost a fifth of all injuries (18%).

Align your healthcare facility to be compliant with current health & safety laws and CQC requirements.

Specialised software modules will help you immediately align your GP surgery, clinic or pharmacy to be compliant with all health & safety legislation, fire safety regulations and CQC requirements.

Healthcare health & safety software features

Complete H&S overview

Monitor the health & safety metrics of personnel, work systems and inventory across multiple departments, and quickly identify any problem areas

Central risk management

Create or choose existing risk assessment templates, & action any findings centrally. Send automated alerts, reminders, or automate progressive escalation

Improved data analysis

Create, analyse & export in-depth reports from risk assessment findings to weekly incident/accident figures. Analyse key metrics & address all deficiencies

Smartlog® Health and Safety Software

Smartlog® is cloud-based health and safety management software which enables your healthcare facility to meet all health and safety compliance requirements within a single, comprehensive and central hub.

In over 2,000 organisations and for more than 200,000 active users around the UK, Smartlog® acts as the complete fire and health & safety compliance management tool.

Active users

Main Modules


25+ health & safety training courses for all employees.

Checks & Tests

Risk management hub for automating premises tasks.

Accident Reporting

Accident reporting module for all dangerous incidents.

Risk Assessment

30+ customisable risk assessment templates.

Asset Management

For centrally monitoring & auditing your business’ assets.

Document Library

For managing and sharing policies & other documents.

Contract Management

Secure & sortable contract library for all your agreements.

Log Entry

Digital logbook for logging hazards & premises issues.

Health and Safety in Healthcare

Like all employers, healthcare providers follow the duties set out by the Health and Safety at Work, etc. Act 1974 – the primary piece of legislation covering occupational health & safety.

However, due to the unique nature of healthcare, the duties of both employers and employees extend far beyond those of a typical organisation.

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) – an independent regulator under The Department of Health and Social Care, which oversees the NHS and is responsible for health & social care policy, states:

“We make sure health and social care services provide people with safe, effective, compassionate, high-quality care and we encourage care services to improve.”

The Care Quality Commission (CQC)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who regulates health and safety in the healthcare sector?

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) retains sole authority for the enforcement, investigation and prosecution of workplace health & safety, however the CQC is responsible for care standards and safety in the health and care sector. Therefore a clearer understanding is needed of the roles both government bodies play in regards to health & safety.

According to the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and the Health and Safety Executive (HSE): “CQC is the lead inspection and enforcement body for matters involving patients and service users receiving a healthcare service from a CQC registered provider.”

HSE/LAs1 are the lead inspection and enforcement bodies for health and safety matters involving patients and service users who are in receipt of healthcare from providers not registered with CQC, and health & safety matters involving workers, visitors and contractors – whether the provider is registered or not.

Evidently healthcare providers will encounter many different policy and procedural differences that are exclusive to their sector, e.g. the RIDDOR reporting guidance for health and social care providers.

With all this in mind, and relying on our knowledge and experience in the healthcare sector, Safesmart will assist and guide your organisation with operating to both CQC and HSE guidelines.

What is healthcare health and safety software?

Health and safety software, sometimes referred to as Occupational Health & Safety software, is software that assists in the central management of safety compliance by digitalising typically manual processes.

Health and safety in healthcare is a wide scope; including risk assessment, policy accessibility, and mandatory eLearning amongst several areas of importance.

Healthcare health and safety software provides a central platform for closely monitoring all aspects of your health & safety, and makes sure that the process is as efficient, transparent and error-free as possible.

What are the benefits of implementing a health and safety software system in my healthcare facility?

Almost instantly, implementing a health and safety software system like Smartlog® will save you a lot of admin hours by replacing previously paper-based processes.

By utilising a single system, this removes a need for using multiple systems and the cyber security risks that imposes. A digital compliance system also eliminates the need for filing documents & policies, reminder emails, manual reporting and other procedural tasks.

Implementing a health and safety software in your healthcare facility will also help to identify potential risks and hazards, and ensure that proper procedures are followed to minimise these risks. This can lead to improved patient safety and a reduction in safety failings.

Smartlog can collect and analyse data on safety incidents, allowing your healthcare facility to identify trends and patterns. This information can be used to develop targeted interventions to improve safety and reduce the risk of future incidents.

Does Safesmart provide additional health & safety support for its healthcare clients?

Managing health and safety is very time-consuming, and although Smartlog provides a time-saving solution to activities such as creating risk assessments, specialist assistance is still required for drafting health & safety policies, evacuation procedures etc.

For clients who require a consultant to visit their healthcare facility and provide competent person advice & other consultation, Safesmart has a team of qualified & experienced health and safety consultants available and more than happy to provide the following services:

  • Fire Risk Assessment

  • Health and Safety Audit

  • Fire Warden (& Extinguisher) Training

  • Health and Safety Consultancy

Customers are also provided with full system support via telephone, email and through Smartlog at no additional cost.

How does healthcare risk management software improve patient safety?

Healthcare risk management software improves patient safety by facilitating early incident identification, structured incident reporting and tracking, data analysis, alerts and notifications, process standardisation, compliance monitoring, root cause analysis, training and education, quality improvement initiatives, data security, and patient engagement. This comprehensive approach helps healthcare organisations prevent adverse events, reduce errors, and enhance overall patient care processes, ultimately resulting in improved patient safety.

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