Hospitality safety software

In 2021, there were 1,631 non-fatal injuries in the hospitality sector reported to RIDDOR – which is about half that of the construction industry.

Software to help you manage and maintain high standards of health & safety in your establishment
Software to help you manage risk, reduce the occurrence of accidents, and maintain high health & safety standards in your hospitality establishment.
Hospitality safety software features

Complete H&S control
Monitor the health & safety metrics for your entire establishment, allocate eLearning, carry out risk assessments, and closely manage your assets/inventory

Risk assessment suite
Choose from 30+ digital risk assessment templates – or create your own. Action all findings centrally, with automated communication for all updates

eLearning library
Allocate online H&S training to your employees, choosing from a suite of over 25 CPD-certified eLearning courses – with branded pass certificates

Hospitality Health & Safety Software
Smartlog® is cloud-based occupational health and safety (OHS) software to help your hospitality establishment to manage all health and safety compliance requirements within one central hub, which is accessible to all employees. Smartlog® is used in the following sub-sectors:
In over 2,000 organisations and for more than 200,000 active users around the UK, Smartlog® is the complete fire and health & safety compliance management tool.
Main Modules
25+ health & safety training courses for all employees.
Checks & Tests
Risk management hub for automating premises tasks.
Accident Reporting
Accident reporting module for all dangerous incidents.
Risk Assessment
30+ customisable risk assessment templates.
Asset Management
For centrally monitoring & auditing your business’ assets.
Document Library
For managing and sharing policies & other documents.
Contract Management
Secure & sortable contract library for all your agreements.
Log Entry
Digital logbook for logging hazards & premises issues.
Health and Safety in Hospitality
The hospitality industry is one of the largest industries in the United Kingdom, employing around 8% of the national workforce and contributing £60 – £70 billion to the UK economy every year.
However, around 1-in-30 workplace injuries occur in this sector, which is in part due to the vast nature of establishment types and the risks that they present – from slips & trips to kitchen fires.
Because each hospitality establishment faces unique health & safety challenges, compliance specialists are required in order to provide solutions that are perfectly suited to each individual business.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) holds sole authority for the enforcement, investigation and prosecution of occupational health & safety, including in hospitality.
Alongside enforcing the law, the HSE provides additional resources for hospitality establishments to improve overall safety in their premises:
In the food & beverage sub-sector especially, due to the variety of risks and hazards that are present in settings such as commercial kitchens, hotels, restaurants, cafes, pubs etc., the prevalence of accidents is high – as well as the variety in the types of accidents.
Because of this, the HSE especially stress the importance of risk assessing and employee health & safety training – both which play a crucial part in reducing accidents and creating safer workplaces.
Occupational Health & Safety software (which is simply known as health and safety software) assists in the efficient management of safety compliance by making manual processes digital and centrally accessible.
Hospitality health and safety software provides a central platform for monitoring all your establishment’s health & safety metrics, alongside the following capabilities and others:
Some OHS software systems will have more functions that others, however the purpose is to adopt a system which provides services that are suitable for your industry and add value to your health & safety processes
Many injuries in the hospitality sector are reported every year to the HSE. It is important to effectively manage your health and safety to prevents injury and ill health to your employees.
Implementing a health & safety software system like Smartlog® will eliminate the use of existing paper-based processes, saving time and costs in the process. A digital system makes the management process easier and more streamlined by vastly reducing admin tasks.
In hospitality, employers are obliged to provide good management, supervision and effective training – such as fire safety, manual handling and food hygiene for example.
So if your OHS health and safety software system hosts eLearning courses or functions as a Learning Management System (LMS), the employee training benefits are massive both in terms of cost and for convenience.
As part of health and safety management of your business, you must control the risks in your establishment by conducting a risk assessment – which is required by law.
Safesmart has a team of qualified & experienced health and safety consultants available to provide the following on-site services:
Customers are also provided with full system support via telephone, email and through Smartlog® at no additional cost.