Home / News / Safesmart to launch £50,000 school kit sponsorship grant

Safesmart to launch £50,000 school kit sponsorship grant

Last summer, Milton Keynes won its bid to be named as a European City of Sport for 2020 – awarded by the European Cities and Capitals of Sport Federation (ACES Europe); and to celebrate this achievement, Safesmart is launching a school kit sponsorship grant worth £50,000 over the next decade.

The sponsorship grant will be open exclusively to all schools that are Safesmart customers using the health and safety compliance software Smartlog; with Milton Keynes local St Mary and St Giles Church of England School becoming the first official recipient of the award.

Headteacher Kate Holland said:

“We are delighted that a local business has so kindly chosen to sponsor our football team. We are extremely grateful for Safesmart’s support.”

Also adding:

“With school budgets becoming tighter, this sort of support goes a long way in encouraging all to succeed in sport.”

All schools which use Smartlog for their health and safety compliance will be eligible to apply directly for the grant a maximum of once each per year, with each successful individual award being worth up to £500.

The formal application process will open in April 2020, with successful recipients being announced before the school summer holidays.

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