Environmental Awareness


20–30 min

BackgroundCourse Overview

As the impacts of climate change become more eventful every year, an increasing amount of public policies are being implemented to tackle the growing issue and reduce Britain’s carbon footprint. Environmental awareness has become a major topic in both the private and public sectors, with every organisation having a duty to reduce its impact on the environment by operating a cleaner and ‘greener’ company policy.

From air, water and land pollution to waste & recycling practices, businesses stand at the forefront of any future efforts and hopes to solve the issue of climate change and prevent a climate crisis for current and future generations. Effective Environmental Awareness training provides your staff with the knowledge and awareness to meet their obligations.

Why should I do this course?

There are plenty of corporate and societal advantages with “going green”, and effective training will raise all employees’ understandings of the negative impacts that energy wastage, material waste and pollution have on the environment. Sustainability training also provides valuable information on the many positive impacts of being an environmentally friendly organisation, and the role that each employee plays in making this a success.

Our Environmental Awareness training course sets out the key environmental issues and provides practical steps that your organisation can take to help build a more sustainable planet.

This Environmental Awareness training course covers the negative impacts that energy wastage, material waste and pollution have on the environment, and also demonstrates how an organisation can reduce costs whilst simultaneously being more environmentally friendly.

This training course also provides knowledge on the benefits of becoming more green as both a business strategy and as an individual commitment for employers and employees alike, along with laying out both the short and long-term benefits.

*There are also 2 tailored versions of this course available on Smartlog:

  • Commercial Environmental Awareness
  • School Environmental Awareness

Safesmart delivers Environmental Awareness Training for your organisation through Smartlog – our comprehensive health & safety compliance software.

Course Content

Reducing energy wastage – Implementing energy-efficient lighting and electrics, heating & hot water, kitchens & catering equipment, refrigeration, and insulation.

Lighting – How to reduce energy waste through energy efficient bulbs, ‘control lighting’, and the increased use of natural lighting where possible.

Heating & Hot Water – Reducing costs by maintaining appropriate temperatures and ensuring heating equipment and controls are operated and managed correctly.

Kitchens and catering equipment – Typical areas of heat loss (eg. the cellar & refrigeration), and effective energy management.

Outdoor areas – Outside and external heaters, timed heater switches, and how to remain energy efficient whilst using outdoor lighting.

Improving waste management – The importance, effectiveness and positive environmental impact of recycling. Also, ways in which recycled material gets re-used.

This course contains test questions and issues a certificate upon completion.

This course is certified by the CPD Certification Service

To request a quote for this course, fill out the form below:

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