Modern Slavery Awareness
What is Modern Slavery?
Modern Slavery is the slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour and human trafficking of individuals through the use of coercion, deception, force or other means. This inhumane crime disproportionately affects vulnerable populations, ranging from young children to the elderly.
The consequences of modern slavery are immensely devastating to their victims, who are often unable or unwilling to speak out about the trauma they are facing or have faced in the past.
What is the purpose of this Modern Slavery course?
The purpose of the Modern Slavery course is to raise awareness, educate, and equip individuals with knowledge and tools to combat modern slavery. By understanding its various forms, identifying vulnerable populations, and learning prevention strategies, participants can contribute to eradicating this inhumane crime.
This Modern Slavery course focuses mainly around the practices within the United Kingdom, and is aimed at helping staff recognise the signs that someone has been trafficked or is being exploited in order to confidently take the appropriate action.
What is included in this Modern Slavery course?
This course aims to make learners understand:
Safesmart delivers Modern Slavery Awareness training for your organisation through Smartlog – our comprehensive health & safety compliance software.
Course Content
What is Modern Slavery – An introduction to the term ‘modern slavery’, its prevalence in the UK, and the different types of crimes which are included in the term; including forced labour and human trafficking.
Legislation – The three main pieces of UK legislation that combat modern slavery: The Modern Slavery Act 2015, The Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Scotland) Act 2015, and The Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Criminal Justice and Support for victims) Act (N Ireland) 2015.
Identifying Modern Slavery – Who the victims of modern slavery are, the different signs which indicate that an individual might be a victim of modern slavery, and how perpetrators typically operate to gain victims. This includes deception, abduction, seduction, and recruitment.
Reporting Modern Slavery – How to report concerns of modern slavery (the National Referral Mechanism (NRM) and Duty to Notify (DtN) referrals), and modern slavery documents and who needs to publish them.